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Brewed By: Stone Brewing Company (Sapporo Breweries)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 31

Style: American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

Brewed In: 1999 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, CA 92029, USA

ABV: 9%

IBU: 80

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20th Anniversary Citracado IPA

Image contributed by: Beerguy33

Tasting Notes

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Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - February 23, 2017
Pours really dark. Nice off-white head. Typical grapefruit and pine resin IPA aromas and tastes. It's good but I must have been expecting something stellar from Stone for their twentieth anniversary.
SarahMunz profile pictureSarahMunz - February 12, 2017
Meh. Bottle, Mollie & Clays, Feb 2017.
lesterftwo profile picturelesterftwo - January 29, 2017
Need to compare to Hop slam profile - January 7, 2017
A-. Very Citra hop forward (citrus and mango type pine) beer in aroma and flavor with a nice malt sweetness and honey highlights. For the record this held well in the fridge.
LakeShow316 profile pictureLakeShow316 - October 30, 2016
Good but slightly disappointing. I can see why people have been bashing this.
Beerguy33 profile pictureBeerguy33 - October 20, 2016
22 oz bomber into a pint glass. Pours a hazy copper color, little to no head with no retention and poor lacing. Aroma is Floral, piney, citrusy. Taste is citrus, floral, light maltiness, and some sweetness. Pretty good DIPA, not as bitter as the 80 IBU's would have you believe.