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Brewed By: Coors Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 45

Style: American Fruit Ale

Brewed In: Colorado, United States

ABV: 8.5%

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Image contributed by: smells like poor

Tasting Notes

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bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - August 2, 2013
Interesting taste can really smell the red wine as for the taste not my style but its ok have have a lot that are worse it does at least have a high alcohol content!!! 8.5%
Anders profile pictureAnders - April 7, 2013
Tastes like cheap sparkling grape juice profile - April 1, 2013
Slight grape taste and unbelievably smooth. Very strong
Andross profile pictureAndross - December 26, 2012
Wheat beer with Sauvignon Blanc grapes. Poured from bottle. Light body with soft carbonation. Distinct notes of wine grapes up front, with clean wheat aftertaste.
njcraftbeer profile picturenjcraftbeer - December 19, 2012
Awful. Do not buy this