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Brewed By: Horny Goat Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 94

Style: American Porter

Brewed In: 1120 South Barclay Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204, USA

ABV: 5.6%

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Brownie Porter

Image contributed by: MrPenguin

Tasting Notes

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dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - June 7, 2015
Average porter at best. Chocolate malt, sweet, a little thin. Bottle, June 2015.
doctor_throb profile picturedoctor_throb - April 2, 2015
I'm not sure that the person who brewed this has ever had a brownie. Quite possibly, they only saw one in a picture once and guessed at its flavor.
PolaDaBear profile picturePolaDaBear - February 28, 2015
Not really getting the brownie.
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - February 20, 2015
Not bad as a slightly sweet porter but nothing at all like the can suggests. Absolutely no brownie flavor. No cinnamon or vanilla either. Just a faint roasted chocolate and light smoke with a slightly sweet finish. The only legit reason to call this beer Brownie is for its color. That being said I would drink another.
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - January 1, 2015
Pretty good, nice chocolatey flavor.
searfoss0759 profile picturesearfoss0759 - November 7, 2014
Lighter porter with nice vanilla flavor. Dude whats with the twist off though?
rhowey profile picturerhowey - January 16, 2014
I like chocolate beers where the chocolate isn't overpowering. This one fit the bill nicely.
ryerarero profile pictureryerarero - January 5, 2014
What's the difference between this beer and just having a goat shit in a glass of water and letting that ferment for a week?
BrewCity13 profile pictureBrewCity13 - December 12, 2013
Nice dark color.. Strong flavor.. I could drink all day
wareaglewithers profile picturewareaglewithers - March 18, 2013
It's good, but not quite enough chocolate to it. It's not bad, but not amazing either.
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