Brewed By: Coors Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 9162
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Brewed In: Colorado, United States
ABV: 5%
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Number of Ratings: 9162
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Brewed In: Colorado, United States
ABV: 5%
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Tasting Notes
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fmercury - July 4, 2013
Average beer. Nothing special
kell5232 - July 1, 2013
I was kinda disappointed with this beer. It looked pretty good and had a unique bottle and an old timey looking label so I thought it might be good but in my opinion it just tastes like a normal coors to me - May 26, 2013
Love it
BryanDSmith - May 14, 2013
Pretty gross, but reminds me of college.
icky brew - April 8, 2013
I would rather drink swamp water out of my shoe than drink this swill
RinGyDinGy9 - March 22, 2013
Kicks coors lights ass
pizzarolls - March 19, 2013
The banquet beer. Actually pretty good with a beef dinner. If I have a choice between this and a light I'll go with a coors light. Not necessarily a bad beer but it's not something I regularly look for. I meet the occasional strange that buys these for a kick back and I won't turn it away, I'll just drink it quicker.
Sir - March 1, 2013
Coors unlight! Think I like it better. Tastes great with beef stew bread bowl on top of Peak 9! - February 27, 2013
Better than Bud
BlueMoonViking - February 25, 2013
Generic. Nothing special about it. Prefer it over bud though.