Dos Perros
Brewed By: Yazoo Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 788
Style: American Brown Ale
Brewed In: 910 Division St, Nashville, TN 37203-4111, USA
ABV: ?
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 788
Style: American Brown Ale
Brewed In: 910 Division St, Nashville, TN 37203-4111, USA
ABV: ?
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Tasting Notes
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jlarsen106 - January 31, 2014
A little bit hoppy. But still good flavor. No after taste
Hollielynne115 - August 8, 2013
Tastes like beer a cigarette was put out in. No dice! - June 13, 2013
Great light dark beer, smooth flavor, very balanced and perfect for summer.
Nathaniel - April 6, 2013
Draft pour. Smooth mouthfeel. Sweet, but slightly hollow flavor. Solid brown however.
drnmidland - March 24, 2013
Light brown ale. Not bad. Almost a negro modello, which I prefer.
drnmidland - March 24, 2013
Light brown ale. Not bad. Almost a negro modello, which I prefer. - March 1, 2013
Favorite ale
Best food ale
anthi8517 - February 16, 2013
Tastes like a lite amber very lite
VanHopper69 - January 29, 2013
Pours nice brown with a two finger head that doesn't stay around long. Almost no smell. Thin lacing down the glass. Very light in almost every aspect. Malts are the only flavor component here. Overall an easy drinker, but nothing to write home about. - January 23, 2013
CBR says aroma alot of bread with molasses, a sweet nose, cinnamon, chocolate. Taste a bit bitter, dry, malty toastyness, toast syrup.