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Brewed By: Sequoia Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 71

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: California, United States

ABV: 7.50%

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General Sherman IPA

Image contributed by: Baytiff

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - November 19, 2016
Good hippiness but has a very overly bitter after taste for me. profile - August 13, 2016
A-. Must warm up to release aroma and flavors. Spicy rye, earthy and malty aromas followed by a slight dankness. Taste very similar to aroma.
rctnavylt profile picturerctnavylt - March 4, 2014
IBU 62
eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - February 6, 2013
It's more floral than hoppy. It's smooth and crisp. It has bits of pilsner and pale ale tastes.
mprentice7 profile picturemprentice7 - March 4, 2012
Although this uses American hops, it strikes me as more of an English style ipa. Lower hopping than a west coast style.
Baytiff profile pictureBaytiff - September 5, 2011
"This beer is deep gold in color with a very dry finish. The distinctively spicy aroma and flavor is from a generous blend of Northern Brewer, Cascade and Crystal hops." -Sequoia Brewing Company