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Brewed By: Great Lakes Brewery (ON)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2

Style: American Double / Imperial Black IPA

Brewed In: 30 Queen Elizabeth Blvd, Etobicoke, Ontario, M8Z 1L8, Canada

ABV: 9.5%

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Image contributed by: bugs318

Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - January 19, 2013
Pours a creamy thick brown head atop a deep, dark brown-to-black body. Solid retention and thick lace. Aroma is of melon, pine and lots of citrus, while remnants of rind and roasted malt follow as that dissipates. Lots of great things to smell here! The taste is likewise complex, with an initial toastiness, followed quickly by a drying rind, and finishing with a cross between a finely dry coffee and grapefruit. It is pretty creamy and fully bodied on the tongue and is just plain marvellous!