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Brewed By: Jester King Craft Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 97

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 13187 Fitzhugh Rd, Austin, TX 78736, USA

ABV: 6.7%

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Image contributed by: mespendez

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - January 17, 2017
1/17/17 not as tart as expected. Nice rye flavor
jmile profile picturejmile - October 9, 2015
Flavorful bitter dry rye IPA. Subdued farmhouse base
GeneralThade profile pictureGeneralThade - September 9, 2015
Really like the spirit of this brewery. I like it, surprisingly. Sour is there but not overwhelming. Would buy again. Of course, I want to follow it with a strong IPA with no wild yeast. If you want a hop vacation give it a try.
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - July 2, 2013
Strong peppery rye, extra spicy tartness due to the high carbonation from the bottle conditioning. Clean tasting. Bottle, July 2013.
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - March 29, 2013
28MAR13, Coy's Apt 22oz, goblet Semi-clear amber color. Big white head. Good. Rye isn't overstated. A little too busy watching March Madness. Coy said it's one of the best rye beers he's had. Almost a little sweet on the aftertaste with a bit of bitterness midway through the beer. Fun, enjoyable.
cashcarr profile picturecashcarr - January 12, 2013
VERY different from the only other rye IPA I've had, Lazy Mag Timberbeast. Very much like a Belgian style dubel, where it's sweeter on the front end and round and full on the back end. Perfectly balanced. This beer is very flavorful and very impressive. 5 stars indeed. profile - January 5, 2013
It tastes like typical ipa. Don't like it
Kr8iveBeer profile pictureKr8iveBeer - December 12, 2012
Taste more like a Wit than an IPA. Lemon up front. profile - November 22, 2012
Most head I've ever had on a beer. Hard to pour, but very good.
Houndsbreath7 profile pictureHoundsbreath7 - February 13, 2012
From bottle conditioned 750ml bottle. Excellent beer.
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