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Brewed By: Winding Path Brewing Co. (Wyndridge Farm)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 22

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 885 S Pleasant Ave, Dallastown, PA 17313, USA

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 40

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Laughing Crow

Image contributed by: mvattivo

Tasting Notes

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MonicaAJC profile pictureMonicaAJC - January 14, 2018
Too malty for me. But besides my personal preference, this still seems lacking. An average hop aroma And taste. Somewhat weak body
hoag88 profile picturehoag88 - July 28, 2017
Gold/deep gold color. Good clarity. Dense white foam. Aroma: slightly sweet with nice balance of floral hop character. Flavor: balance between malty sweetness and bitterness skews towards the malt, at least for an American IPA. Pleasant floral hop aroma and flavor. Moderate carbonation. Medium to medium light body.
KANGAfat profile pictureKANGAfat - March 7, 2017
March 4, 2017. Penelope's 2nd Birthday.
Skydog1994 profile pictureSkydog1994 - July 24, 2016
Not drinkable. A misfortunate buddy of mine bought a whole case of this beer/wine (?)... A poor excuse for a beer, would rather drink a light beer, and I hate light beer. They call it laughing crow because they laugh all the way to the bank with your wasted money. Never again.
BIGTIME profile pictureBIGTIME - April 17, 2016
Crisp and smooth with a clean finish. Very drinkable and pairs well with any menu.
The real Coop profile pictureThe real Coop - February 27, 2016
Not impressed. Will try again later to verify the taste. Maybe a bad batch.
clint profile pictureclint - March 14, 2015
Drinkable, nothing special