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Brewed By: Goose Island Beer Co. (Anheuser-Busch InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 700

Style: American Nut Brown Ale

Brewed In: 1800 West Fulton St. Chicago, IL 60612, USA

ABV: 5.20%

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Image contributed by: mikesmizzy08

Tasting Notes

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coop profile picturecoop - March 4, 2013
Liked it a lot , one if my favorite browns profile - March 2, 2013
Mt. P apt 3/2/2013.
Sir profile pictureSir - February 28, 2013
Nutty malty cocoa profile - February 24, 2013
Tasted better the more I drank. Took a sec to realize the aftertaste was caramel
aceshigh59 profile pictureaceshigh59 - February 4, 2013
Nice bite at the start and mellow, smooth finish
pcguitarwzrd profile picturepcguitarwzrd - December 15, 2012
A nice, mellow, malty brown ale. Smooth, unobtrusive, highly drinkable, no hops to speak of.
chamanama profile picturechamanama - December 9, 2012
Tasty beer
pedrojac profile picturepedrojac - October 4, 2012
Coffee, caramel and a bit of chocolate
sjfrankhauser  profile picturesjfrankhauser - September 22, 2012
Strong flavor. A bit too dark and robust
enigma profile pictureenigma - September 9, 2012
Drank: 04-22-12 Very dark brown Slightly sweet, but not too much Pretty good
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