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Brewed By: Ska Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 38

Style: American Session IPA (SIPA)

Brewed In: 225 Girard St, Durango, CO 81301, USA

ABV: 4.5%

IBU: 52

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Image contributed by: gfap61

Tasting Notes

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dannyman profile picturedannyman - February 14, 2017
Had at melting pot with Natalie for Valentine's Day.
PhilTheBeerKill profile picturePhilTheBeerKill - February 13, 2016
Poured from can. Semi-aggressive pour yielded 3/4 inch head of thick foam. Collapsing to half inch in a minute. Golden, transparent color. In can, very grassy, citrussy note. Citrussy, slight malty smell in glass. Bitter first taste. Not very citrussy but very nice hoppy bitterness. Still, well balanced. Smell and taste of iron. Good session but missing some of the fruity hoppiness, I am looking for in a session IPA. profile - July 28, 2015
Typical session - too light
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - December 29, 2014
Ok session IPA, crisp, mild hops. Can, December 2014. profile - December 29, 2014
Pine aftertaste
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - September 17, 2014
Pours clear yellow-amber with a big off-white head. Smells of grapefruit. Big ruby red grapefruit taste. Nice bitter bite in the aftertaste. Great IPA flavor in a low ABV beer. New beer-First review-I'm hooked!