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Brewed By: Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 6042

Style: English Oatmeal Stout

Brewed In: Old Brewery High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9SB, England, UK

ABV: 5%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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BAR&BEER profile pictureBAR&BEER - August 30, 2012
JayCrash450 profile pictureJayCrash450 - August 28, 2012
Pours a rich dark brown with a frothy tan head. Smells of dark fruits, very malty smelling. Semi-light mouthfeel which is surprising given the darkness of the brew. Taste of coffee, chocolate. It is a good oatmeal stout. Not necessarily my favorite style but I can definitely see myself having one on a rainy day.
CigarNomad profile pictureCigarNomad - August 26, 2012
Rich and flavorful. A special treat brew. Cool weather and a full belly is best.
loveDOGpun  profile pictureloveDOGpun - August 25, 2012
Smooth and smoky with chocolate and coffee notes
savvysaint profile picturesavvysaint - August 15, 2012
I just can't get over how good this beer tastes and smells it leaves a good after taste that makes you want more, everytime I drink it with my friends they ask to try some and always become fans. So even if you've never had a oatmeal stout or love the oatmeals this is a have to try its hands down my favorite beer.
WagonStyle profile pictureWagonStyle - August 5, 2012
A little thin for a stout but not watery. Coffee & mocha notes dominated my pallet.
pedrojac profile picturepedrojac - August 2, 2012
Cafe, chocolate profile - August 1, 2012
Full bodied flavor, rich and sweet almost like caramel, very good
savvysaint profile picturesavvysaint - July 31, 2012
Very smoky and dark but good I liked it it's something to try if you like stout and oatmeal beers
KANGAfat profile pictureKANGAfat - July 28, 2012
One of my favorite oatmeal beers.
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