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Brewed By: New Glarus Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 627

Style: Belgian Fruit Red Ale

Brewed In: 2400 WI-69, New Glarus, WI 53574, USA

ABV: 4.0%

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Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - April 2, 2015
mavenjay profile picturemavenjay - March 21, 2015
Excellent cherry ale. Paired nicely with smoked ribs.
yankeejw profile pictureyankeejw - June 11, 2014
Love New Glarus brews, but this was awful
Reeds profile pictureReeds - February 23, 2014
You may like it if you like sours and cherries. Very, very strong cherry flavor and a combo of bitter/sour.
sh510 profile picturesh510 - January 5, 2014
Tasted like a mixture of cherry cough syrup and sprite profile - February 3, 2013
Amazing "cherry pie in the face" + soft wheat-malt backbone! Had one at New Glaris! If you ever find yourself in the middle of nowhere, WI.....
CHERUB profile pictureCHERUB - September 28, 2012
I'm not one for fruity beers (or fruit wines for that matter), but the formerly named Belgium Cherry is excellent (I believe New Glarus Brewing was sued for calling it a "Belgium" Cherry Ale by the Belgium brewers). Makes for a great after dinner or dessert beer. Excellent cherry flavor with just enough carbonation. Very rich and satisfying! Cherub
SassyMango profile pictureSassyMango - August 4, 2012
Very sweet, strange taste on palate
Jupes profile pictureJupes - July 20, 2012
A dessert beer, but one of my all-time favs. profile - July 1, 2012
Lots of real cherries! Tart like a Flemish sour. Delicious
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