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Brewed By: The Eagle Brewery / Wells & Young's Brewing Company (Carlsberg Marstons Brewing Co)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 6020

Style: English Coffee Chocolate Stout

Brewed In: The Brewery, Haverlock Street, Bedford, MK40 4LU, England, UK

ABV: 5.20%

IBU: 32

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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MonicaAJC profile pictureMonicaAJC - March 4, 2022
It?s not bad. Had this on tap at Dandelion Restaurant in Phila. It?s an English style pub, so I had to try something in that vein. I?ve never been a fan of English beer, and this one was true to form. I will say the flavor was pretty good?not too sweet, strong chocolate and coffee overtones?but the almost-complete lack of carbonation (typical, I know) was disappointing. profile - September 11, 2020
Had from pint can in Blowing Rock on 9/8/20. Weak, thin with very little flavor. I could just make out the chocolate but really nothing else.
bamajfs profile picturebamajfs - September 21, 2019
Slightly thinner, slightly more chocolatey Guinness. Refreshing and filling.
bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - January 25, 2018
Chocolate taste smooth not thick
CIng profile pictureCIng - July 12, 2017
With nitro it is smooth and chocolate. Absolutely delicious profile - February 26, 2017
So chocolatey. Excellent flavour. A dessert beer. Very sweet.
Bajan profile pictureBajan - February 9, 2017
A little "thin" for me not enough body. Also a little bitter without the expected sweet background tones. A burnt chocolate taste - maybe a little too burnt.
Lightweight profile pictureLightweight - January 15, 2017
Taste definitely varies from case to case, but always good. Sometimes more sweet chocolate. Always decent dark coffee flavor. profile - December 16, 2016
A pretty good stout, smooth & no burnt flavor... but it does not have the rich chocolate taste I expected based on the name, the chocolate is subtle at best.
cheaka profile picturecheaka - December 4, 2016
Smooth as silk!
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