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Griffin Claw Brewing Company
Saison / Farmhouse Ale

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Unite Red Ale

Unite Red Ale

Griffin Claw Brewing Company
American Amber / Red Ale

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Vladimir Gluten Free

Vladimir Gluten Free

Griffin Claw Brewing Company
American IPA

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Weizenheimer Weizen

Weizenheimer Weizen

Griffin Claw Brewing Company

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Welling Wave Imperial Porter

Welling Wave Imperial Porter

Griffin Claw Brewing Company
American Porter

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Whitecap Wit

Whitecap Wit

Griffin Claw Brewing Company

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Wicked  Wit

Wicked Wit

Griffin Claw Brewing Company

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Wiffleball King Kolsch

Wiffleball King Kolsch

Griffin Claw Brewing Company

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Wit Yer Pants

Wit Yer Pants

Griffin Claw Brewing Company

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You Figure It Out

You Figure It Out

Griffin Claw Brewing Company
English Milk / Sweet Stout

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