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Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 893

Style: American Barleywine

Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA

ABV: 15.04%

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Image contributed by: Shelby Lee

Tasting Notes

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SamRPH profile pictureSamRPH - February 20, 2015
Damn strong. Obviously. It's fifteen percent. Tasty though. profile - November 21, 2014
Very strong, darkish, pretty good! -Dogfish Head Alehouse, 1-20-14
ecologies profile pictureecologies - November 3, 2014
Doesnt taste like beer. Strap yourself in for an out of body fruit alcohol experience.
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - June 12, 2014
Geez this one is dangerous! 15% abv and drinks way too smooth. Copper in color with a slight white head and aromas of sweet prunes raisins and bready malt. Very viscous thick mouthfeel syrupy with an ice wine viscous ness to it. Very sweet bready rich and strong. Sweet fruity flavors, like raisins and booze. A good barley wine but very sweet. Had aged today for 3yrs (2012) and its 2015. So good it's like smooth vanilla bourbon, has a nice oaky character to it. Does pack a wallop! Same with the 2014 version 3 years later!
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - May 20, 2014
So smooth for a 15% abv... Very deadly.. My favorite barleywine to date..
brewbaker profile picturebrewbaker - January 6, 2014
Holy crap this is a Barleywine! SWEET AND STRONG!
brewbaker profile picturebrewbaker - January 6, 2014
Holy crap that is an awesome beer! Sweet, strong and BIG! Keep th Cingular dogfish head
NieceyB profile pictureNieceyB - January 2, 2014
Kind of thick mouthfeel, very strong. Sweet fruity flavors, almost raisiny. Good for a winter evening.
jjswizz profile picturejjswizz - December 23, 2013
Full flavor. Good but not an oak aged fan.
cocamide profile picturecocamide - December 7, 2013
Alcohol present, but drinkable. Sweet and a bit fruity
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