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Brewed By: Minhas Craft Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 27

Style: Witbier

Brewed In: 1208 14th Ave., Monroe, WI 53566, USA

ABV: ?

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Image contributed by: maplecity219

Tasting Notes

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bobcady profile picturebobcady - February 7, 2014
Light and crispy. Slightly sour with a sweet finish.
contradicktory profile picturecontradicktory - December 28, 2013
Very good wit, better than Blue Moon ( in the bottle). Worth repeated tastings (I did too).
osubuckeye415 profile pictureosubuckeye415 - August 31, 2013
Decent wit flavor, light and refreshing. Nice hazy color, slightly bitter aftertaste. Good wit overall. Not fruity like others