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Brewed By: Firestone Walker Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 820

Style: California Pale Ale

Brewed In: 1400 Ramada Dr. Paso Robles, CA 93446, USA

ABV: 4.50%

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Image contributed by: el extranjero

Tasting Notes

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mikesull profile picturemikesull - September 3, 2016
Decent malt for a pale ale profile - August 20, 2016
No bite. Mild flavor. Good back yard BBQ IPA. profile - May 6, 2016
A great pale ale, not hoppy, a bit citrus peel though
67beeers profile picture67beeers - April 24, 2016
For a pale it's alright
TransPhattyAcid profile pictureTransPhattyAcid - February 21, 2016
Clean easy to drink. Fresh. Mildly hopped.
gonoles17 profile picturegonoles17 - November 7, 2015
Really tasty
LakeShow316 profile pictureLakeShow316 - November 4, 2015
True to the style and taste with a nice hop kick. FW never disappoints profile - June 16, 2015
Not bad, but Slow Ride is better IPA taste...
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - April 18, 2015
Light, crisp, piney
Beerguy33 profile pictureBeerguy33 - March 10, 2015
Pours a hazy, golden honey color. 1/2" head dissipated after a few minutes into a thin cap that lasted to the end. Good carbonation. Aroma is citrus and floral hops. Mouthfeel is light. Taste is citrus, (lemon and grapefruit) herbs, malt and slight hop bitterness at the finish. Slightly more bitter that I expected for an APA but still more balanced than an IPA. Pretty good overall.
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