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Brewed By: Steamworks Brewing Company (CO)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 83

Style: Kölsch

Brewed In: 801 East 2nd Avenue, Durango, CO 8130, USA

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: mathisbr

Tasting Notes

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kell5232 profile picturekell5232 - October 24, 2015
Reminds me of Pbr or bud light. Nothing special profile - February 7, 2015
Smooth, slightly clean finish
Idealies profile pictureIdealies - February 1, 2015
Light crisp beer. Refreshing.
ConBro profile pictureConBro - December 24, 2013
Nothing special! PBR is cheaper and just as good
sprindle profile picturesprindle - July 23, 2013
Dry and crisp like a German Lager. A little light on flavor and finish.
Sir profile pictureSir - March 2, 2013
Ok I guess