Gnomegang Strong Pale Ale
Brewed By: Brewery & Blenderie Ommegang
Number of Ratings: 744
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Brewed In: 656 County Hwy 33, BOX 656, Cooperstown, NY 13326, USA
ABV: 9.5%
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Number of Ratings: 744
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Brewed In: 656 County Hwy 33, BOX 656, Cooperstown, NY 13326, USA
ABV: 9.5%
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Tasting Notes
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greendeen - July 21, 2018
Great body ... really good!
LP1 - May 22, 2017
Yes! Great Belgian. Spicy. - June 14, 2016
These guys make good beer! Another winner.
grebejp - June 11, 2016
Sweet, unfiltered taste. Slight caramel but nothing over powering
btrichter - April 27, 2016
Top twenty must try
en717 - December 31, 2015
Strong 9,5%
Beerguy33 - December 28, 2015
12/27/15 - 12 oz bottle poured into a Bootlegger tulip glass. Pours a hazy gold color with yeast floaters dominating the beer. Carbonation is heavy, almost champagne like. Nice thick white puffy head, good retention and good lacing. Aroma is bubblegum, yeast, fruit and honey. Taste is Belgian yeast, fruit, spices and slight caramel. Finish is dry. Great beer with a high ABV that's hidden well.
jrthebroker - December 26, 2015
Not really spicy but I like subtle fruit. Pear or Apple. Has a champagne feel on my tongue with a dry finish. Slightly above average. With aging could be better I assume!
PatrickBigsby - October 4, 2015
jmile - August 13, 2015
Dry finish. Clove and spice on the palate