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Brewed By: De Struise Brouwers

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 5

Style: American Double / Imperial Pilsner

Brewed In: The Old Schoolhouse, Kasteelstraat 50, Oostvleteren, 8640, Belgium

ABV: 8.5%

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Image contributed by: travis0001

Tasting Notes

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jjfregistration profile picturejjfregistration - September 8, 2016
Pours cloudy gold, some head. I forgot to smell it. Lots of carbonation once it gets in the mouth. A well balanced but not distinctive Belgian ale. I'd happily drink a six pack over a night, but not at $8 a bottle.
travis0001 profile picturetravis0001 - August 15, 2015
I'm a huge fan of Struise beers. This is a good beer but, it falls short of Pannepot by quite a bit. Apples and oranges I know. It's a good beer just not in the same league as their other beers. Lots of yeast in the bottom of the bottle. Pours a hazy golden color. Nice and lacy head. Plenty of fruity esters. Probably something a lot of people would love. To me though Pannepot is Struisse's best beer.