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Brewed By: Rogue Ales & Spirits

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 784

Style: American Spiced Pumpkin Pale Ale

Brewed In: 2320 SE Marine Science Dr, Newport, OR 97365, USA

ABV: 5.30%

IBU: 30

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Image contributed by: reefa

Tasting Notes

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bridgee1117 profile picturebridgee1117 - February 25, 2013
Not worth the money I spent on it. Not very hopped and way too light on juniper to have it in the name.
baxter5182 profile picturebaxter5182 - February 23, 2013
Very delicious.
eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - January 2, 2013
Doesn't hit you with any standard pale ale taste whatsoever. It is somewhat light and hopped up front, but quickly finishes with a candy taste typical of many imperial darks.
Moseman profile pictureMoseman - November 25, 2012
Like drinking a pine tree. Too much piney/berry taste.
bcondonDE profile picturebcondonDE - November 11, 2012
Good Ale. Easy drinking. Thank you Veterans!!! profile - October 13, 2012
Crisp finish, pronounced juniper taste and aftertaste
quara0 profile picturequara0 - August 13, 2012
Nicely bitter with a taste if woodsy berries.
CSpechtRock profile pictureCSpechtRock - August 8, 2012
Great ale. Unique taste but not overpowering.
zomerhouse profile picturezomerhouse - August 7, 2012
Nice golden color. Slight floral nose. Malty. Don't get much of the juniper, only a little aftertaste. More like a sweet tree branch.....its pretty good overall
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - August 4, 2012
03AUG12, Flying Saucer, Nashville, TN Bottle 22oz Very Piney and woodsy. Aroma is floral with hints of pine. Flavor is piney with hints of floral. Mouthfeel is light with some good carbonation. There are some slightly caramel (maybe juniper?) malts to support the hops. Delicious. Dry finish accented with juniper.
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