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Brewed By: Big Sky Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4503

Style: American Brown Ale

Brewed In: 5417 Trumpeter Way, Missoula, MT 59808, USA

ABV: 5.1%

IBU: 26

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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ncunningham7 profile picturencunningham7 - July 29, 2012
2011- 2.5 I'm sure that after drinking brown ales more I will like them more 2012-
tenthandjordan profile picturetenthandjordan - July 27, 2012
Tastes dark but not bitter at all of course. Bc it is a brown ale. Def has a chocolatey taste. I like it. Would def get it again Had again n it was chocolately n def like it in bottle
Jupes profile pictureJupes - July 20, 2012
This is one of my favorite browns - very crisp. profile - July 15, 2012
Darkness 50 Rating 65 Page 92
space docker sam profile picturespace docker sam - July 15, 2012
Tastes like grass
ryanmay7 profile pictureryanmay7 - July 12, 2012
Dark amber color with a thick foamy head that dissipates quickly, malty taste with little hop presence and no aftertaste, 26 IBU, Carmel, light chocolate smell
ryanmay7 profile pictureryanmay7 - July 11, 2012
26ibu, dark amber color with a thick foamy head which dissipates rather quickly. Slight aroma of Carmel and malted barley. Little hop presence in taste, mostly barely but overall pretty decent beer but not great, leaves little aftertaste, very drinkable
AndyJohns profile pictureAndyJohns - July 10, 2012
Really like this one. Very drinkable, nice flavor.
TPM_music profile pictureTPM_music - July 7, 2012
One of my favs
cgiron profile picturecgiron - July 4, 2012
Mahogany colored with off-white head. Sweet malty nutty presence in nose and flavor. Medium body without much carbonation. Tasty brown ale.
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