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Brewed By: Great Lakes Brewing Company (OH)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1429

Style: American Strong Ale

Brewed In: 2516 Market Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113, USA

ABV: 8%

IBU: 70

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Image contributed by: Boltzmann

Tasting Notes

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Biffle16 profile pictureBiffle16 - September 12, 2023
Initially my taste buds were like?.wow. This is what a Douglass Fir tree tastes like but after downing a few more 16 oz?s it was a bit smoother but a big aftertaste of something I cannot describe. And after I polished off my 8th beer I passsssssssssssss??????out! I?m back?Would buy again! profile - September 26, 2020
From bottle bought at retail. First thing I would say is if you don?t mind a little bitterness but and enjoy this beer. Pours a beautiful red-brown color with a light brown head that dissipates after the pour. Subtle malt flavor at first and then a great malt/hop mix in the middle finishing with a slight bitterness that is really good. Great beer.
Trevor Vandela profile pictureTrevor Vandela - November 20, 2019
I bought this as a four pack. I did not like it at first. The flavor grew on me after the 2nd beer. Smooth red pale that goes down smooth. Would buy again
jk10 profile picturejk10 - December 5, 2017
Balanced IPA flavor with maltiness to smooth it out. One of my must-haves of the fall.
bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - April 27, 2017
Strong aroma malt. Nice rich Amber color tan head short lived. Malty smooth
Guppy profile pictureGuppy - November 7, 2016
Nice IPA not too hoppy with a strong flavor. Darker than most IPAs
ProfessorJeff profile pictureProfessorJeff - September 21, 2016
Good but heavy. profile - September 16, 2016
The nose is crisp red and boozy. Malty beginning and slight sweet middle w a sticky slightly lingering finish
kirkcrespo profile picturekirkcrespo - June 5, 2016
Kinda bitter but ok profile - January 23, 2016
Slightly boozy but satisfying
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