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Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2203

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA

ABV: 5.8%

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Whitewater IPA

Image contributed by: Sean Curtis

Tasting Notes

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shaigh72 profile pictureshaigh72 - May 26, 2013
Hoppy, can taste the IPA influence, but can so taste the Belgian White. Not a fan of the BW's.
Big Alsie profile pictureBig Alsie - May 11, 2013
A bit fruity. Modestly bitter. Not bad.
Taco Fiend profile pictureTaco Fiend - April 18, 2013
It's ok, I guess. profile - April 12, 2013
A little sweet and a touch of fruit. Finishes with a bitter pine hops that is a bit much for me? profile - April 10, 2013
Too bitter for me. My dad loved it
TheHopHead profile pictureTheHopHead - April 6, 2013
Pours with good lacy head, not much retention. Aroma is mostly apricot. Light body, modest bitterness, lots of citrusy hop flavor. Not overpoweringly fruity, no funky yeast stuff, not bad! profile - April 5, 2013
Appearance is hazy pale gold with a vigorous and persistent head typical of wheat beers. The aroma is strong on the citrus hops with no real mealtimes coming through. The flavor is dominated by the citrus hops, very little of the malt gets through. Aftertaste is strong on the citrus hops bitterness. Overall an interesting beer, but not one I'd go out of my way to find.
freinard profile picturefreinard - April 3, 2013
Yuck! Smells and tastes like feet! Very hoppy can't taste any fruit at all
markrush profile picturemarkrush - March 31, 2013
Not bad very hoppy
The Juggernaut profile pictureThe Juggernaut - March 31, 2013
Smell is great! To much grapefruit though...don't buy again!
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