UFO Hefeweizen
Brewed By: Harpoon Brewery, LLC / UFO Beer (Massachusetts Bay Brewing Company, Inc.)
Number of Ratings: 3140
Style: Hefeweizen
Brewed In: 306 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210, USA
ABV: 5.10%
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Number of Ratings: 3140
Style: Hefeweizen
Brewed In: 306 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210, USA
ABV: 5.10%
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Tasting Notes
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Crafted Drafts - July 11, 2012
Quite citrusy with a lot of lemon flavor. Not a bad wheat beer and it is quite refreshing but not my first choice.
raeraccoon77@yahoo.com - May 8, 2012
Sweet and citrusy. Good for summer but not my favorite.
poopersdad - May 3, 2012
Clean crisp refreshing. Faint citrus taste
Buzzltyr47 - April 25, 2012
Definitely one of my favorite Hefes! Sweet finish and was good at the bottom, unlike other wheat beers.
pagnani - February 16, 2012
Incredibly bland wheat beer. I'm sure females would enjoy with some fruit (easy to drink) - but really no taste at all. I'd actually drink blue moon before this again
darichardsiii - February 3, 2012
Too "light"
cgiron - December 4, 2011
A: Golden colored pour into pint glass producing a one finger white head leaving a small amount of lacing.
S: Bubblegum, citrus, and wheat aromas are present.
T: Wheat and citrus flavors dominate.
M: Light bodied with moderate carbonation.
O: Very drinkable and light. I would have another.
sunandmooning - November 30, 2011
Heavy and a bit metallic-y. I'd rather have a blue moon.
TrevorT - October 13, 2011
An American wheat beer with well rounded flavor. A creamy pour, light/smooth head, and a vibrant milky yellow color. Nice light citrus and wheat aroma. Forward tastes of citrus balance well with lasting smooth grains. 3.5 of 5 stars.
aquilafisher - September 23, 2011
Not in my top 20 of wheat beers, would still drink over some beers but not very memorable.