Brewed By: Brouwerij Verhaeghe
Number of Ratings: 52
Style: Flanders Red Ale
Brewed In: Sint-Dierikserf 1, Anzegem, 8570, Belgium
ABV: 5.10%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 52
Style: Flanders Red Ale
Brewed In: Sint-Dierikserf 1, Anzegem, 8570, Belgium
ABV: 5.10%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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pagnani - July 1, 2016
Great sour. A little extra carbonation, similar to duchess (plus carb)
xr0ssix - July 30, 2015
Vinegar taste. Okay.
NaH2DC - July 12, 2014
Live it. Not too cherry or superly sour.
runningbear - May 22, 2013
But under flavor tripping at ing
witchal - February 25, 2012
From the makers of Duchesse de Bourgogne, an absolutely beautiful deep red/brown Flanders. Oak flavor, mildly sour, fruity. Favored!!!
adraut - October 27, 2011
Great full bodied flavor that hugs the sides of your cheeks. Perfect balance between sour and sweet. Lovely and refreshing effect.
VanHopper69 - June 21, 2011
Pours a reddish-brown with thin off white head. Very little lacing.
Smell is of acetic acid with some light fruits behind it.
Taste starts sour and is balanced with a sweet finish.
Mouthfeel is light and refreshing with a lot of carbonation.
This may be one of the best examples of a Flemish red I've ever had. Highly recommended.